Event Sponsor: Company logo on the cover of the program, Name announced at the event, a banner displayed at the event, and logo on all advertisements. $5,000 – Verbal commitment by Jan. 31, 2019
Class Sponsor(Open): Name announced at the event, a banner displayed at the event, listed inside the program with logo. $1500 - Verbal commitment by Jan. 31, 2019
Class Sponsor(Youth): Name announced at the event, a banner displayed at the event, listed inside the program. $1000- Verbal commitment by Jan. 31, 2019
Class Sponsor(Senior): Name announced at the event, a banner displayed at the event, listed inside the program. $1000- Verbal commitment by Jan. 31, 2019
Champion Saddle Sponsor: Name announced at the event, listed inside the program, name displayed on the saddle. $800 - Verbal commitment by Jan. 31, 2019
Award Sponsor: (Misc. awards: Buckles, Jackets) Name announced at the event, listed inside the program. $500